Hair Analysis Results Information

This is the report of your hair analysis. It is an easy to read personal analysis that is easy to understand. It specifies suggestions for diet for your needs. Usually, you will recognize characteristics of your own body chemistry from the report. At the end, the biochemist recommends vitamins and dosages based on the findings and your age. If you choose to order them, they come in 1, 2 or 3 month supplies . Try one month and see how you feel, some people notice a difference in reductions of symptoms in just days. You can call 1-800-824-2314 and tell them you are listed under account #4282. Please do not take additional supplements with this plan-they may be antagonistic.( if you are on prescription drugs-read the physician's desk reference for adverse reactions and antagonists and talk with your Doctor and local pharmacist about mixing any type of herbs or medications. Always, check with your personal physician -first.)

Karon Gibson, RN
TV Productions
(815) 773-4497